Ocean Academy

Interventions in schools, extracurricular activities, trade fairs and events to raise young people's awareness of issues relating to the Ocean and its preservation.

Ocean academy, l'Ecole de l'Océan, takes part in all schools, extracurricular activities, trade fairs and events, as well as in our ambassador diving clubs and centers. It was born in 2019 and has already reached thousands of young people all over France!

This Ocean School is dedicated to young people, and tackles themes that affect the Ocean and its preservation.

It is run by a team of motivated volunteers, the Veilleurs de l'Océan.

Plongeurs du Monde is a partner of Ocean Academy on this program, and our volunteers are Ocean Watchers all over France.

For full details of this program, we invite you to visit the dedicated website from Ocean Academy:

Mission manager


Photo gallery